In order to substitute previous experience or training, please submit a request to the Executive Director. Decisions regarding the acceptance of transfer credit will be made on an individual basis. Make your request by clicking the button in the next section.
In order to substitute previous experience or training, please submit a request to the Executive Director. Decisions regarding the acceptance of transfer credit will be made on an individual basis. Make your request by clicking the button in the next section.
In order to substitute previous experience or training, please submit a request to the Executive Director. Decisions regarding the acceptance of transfer credit will be made on an individual basis. Make your request by clicking the button in the next section.
In order to substitute previous experience or training, please submit a request to the Executive Director. Decisions regarding the acceptance of transfer credit will be made on an individual basis. Make your request by clicking the button in the next section.
In order to substitute previous experience or training, please submit a request to the Executive Director. Decisions regarding the acceptance of transfer credit will be made on an individual basis. Make your request by clicking the button in the next section.
In order to substitute previous experience or training, please submit a request to the Executive Director. Decisions regarding the acceptance of transfer credit will be made on an individual basis. Make your request by clicking the button in the next section.
In order to substitute previous experience or training, please submit a request to the Executive Director. Decisions regarding the acceptance of transfer credit will be made on an individual basis. Make your request by clicking the button in the next section.
In order to substitute previous experience or training, please submit a request to the Executive Director. Decisions regarding the acceptance of transfer credit will be made on an individual basis. Make your request by clicking the button in the next section.
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Terry taught language arts, photography, broadcast journalism, and radio and television for Fort Worth ISD. She also developed the curriculum for photography, video production, and radio classes and specialized in the instruction of gifted and talented students. Terry retired from Fort Worth ISD as the Director for Human Capital Management.
Secondary Government
Secondary Journalism
Master of Science in Family Studies - Texas Woman´s University
Bachelors of Science in Journalism, Government, and Education - Texas Woman´s University
A Word From Terry's Interns
Terri is a recent retiree from Fort Worth ISD and a new Field Advisor. We are very proud to welcome her to ECAP!
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Weldon has taught all high school math courses from Algebra to Trigonometry. He has developed and implemented several innovative ways to demonstrate math concepts to students. Weldon taught high school math for 6 years at Aledo High School and passes along his expertise to ECAP Mathematics interns. Weldon has served in a Middle School and a High School as Principal and has taught as an adjunct instructor at Weatherford College.
Mid-Management Administrator
Secondary Mathematics
Secondary English
Mid-Management Certification - University of North Texas
Master of Education - University of North Texas
A Word From Weldon's Interns
"I like that he comes at the end of one class and watches the transition into the next class. He covers all bases before he leaves."
"At my last observation Weldon Turner said that he noticed that I had implemented some of his suggestions from the first observation. He had suggested that I call on specific students more and not ask for volunteers as much. I had been doing this, but had gotten away from it so he asked me to get back to it and I intend to. After the observation we talked and I asked for as many suggestions from him as I could get. He will be back at my school next week observing another intern and said he would do a walk through for me while there to see how my adjustments work."
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Randy has taught History, Health, Physical Education and Driver´s Education. He has been an Assistant Principal and Principal for Grapevine-Colleyville ISD. He has been Principal of Keller Middle School and Principal of Keller High School and Central High School in Keller ISD. While Randy was Principal, he received the National Blue Ribbon School Principal award.
Mid-Management Administrator
Secondary Health and Physical Education
Secondary History
Driver Education
M. S. - University of North Texas
B. S. - University of North Texas
A Word From Randy's Interns
"Mr. Baker came into the class after the class started and was able to observe the middle portion of class. He said I did a good job communicating with students and pulling students aside to review missing assignments and grades. I walked around and answered questions throughout the class and made all attempts to keep the students on task and on track."
"I feel that my first advisor assessment was very positive by Randy Baker. I did appreciate his feedback on making sure I verbalize my objective of the day and repeat it several times during the class."
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Steve has taught English and Speech and has served as a member of the Tarrant Counter Gang Intervention Task Force. He has coordinated programs to improve the home and school communication process and worked in Staff Development for the Human Relations Department in Fort Worth ISD. Steve´s school administration experience includes a position as Assistant Principal/District Coordinator for the Northside Youth Project. In this project, Steve worked for both the Fort Worth Independent School District and The City of Fort Worth. Steve was the founding principal of two schools:
1. Middle Level Learning Center - Fort Worth ISD
2. Horizons Alternative Middle School - Fort Worth ISD
Mid-Management Administrator
Visiting Teacher
Secondary English
Secondary Speech
Master of Education - North Texas University
Mid-Management Certification - Texas Woman´s University
Bachelor of Science - North Texas University
A Word From Steve's Interns
"Mr. Gay was extremely helpful. I thought I was promoting higher learning but he gave my ideas on how to take my questions to that next level. For example, by asking my students a question and then asking another student to evaluate their answer, I am promoting critical thinking."
"Mr. Gay helped me to see that I needed to do a better job of checking for understanding, instead of just letting the students who knew the answers answer all of my questions. I now have notecards with their names on it and I rotate through the names to make sure I check in with all of the students."
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Linda has taught English and History. She moved from Department Chair in English at Lamar High School to Vice Principal at Shackelford Junior High School in Arlington ISD. After serving as Vice Principal at Lamar High School in Arlington ISD, Linda was Principal at Nichols Junior High for 12 years. Linda is an Adjunct Professor at University of Texas Arlington.
Mid-Management Administrator
Secondary English
Secondary History
Mid-Management Administrator - University of North Texas
M. Ed - University of North Texas
B.A. English and History - University of Texas Arlington
A Word From Linda's Interns
"Mrs. Denson has a sharp eye, she explained techniques to me I did not realize I was using while working with my students. Again that encouraging attitude was a plus; she makes me feel so special as a teacher. Mrs. Denson always comes on days I need that little push of inspiration, she does a great job. Her spiritual attitude is great and much needed!! She suggested that I see the movie "Waiting for Superman". I love when she comes to observe, she was put in my life for a purpose and I´m almost sure of that!!"
"After Mrs. Denson's latest visit, I took her suggestions on how to take the assignment she observed further. I had the students use a rubric to score each other´s' Power Point presentations. I appreciate her acknowledging the work I put into create that lesson, and also her input into ways I could take it even one step further."
"After Mrs. Denson visited me last time I took some things that we talked about and applied them to my classroom. We talked about setting expectations before the lesson starts so that the students can better understand what it is we will be doing for the day."
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Juli spent over 30 years working for Arlington ISD. She started as an English teacher and advanced to English Department Chairman. After serving as Department Chair, she moved on to become an Assistant Principal and then a Principal. Juli retired from Arlington ISD as the Personnel Director for Secondary and the Certification Specialist for the district.
Mid-Management Administrator
Secondary English
Secondary History
Bachelor of Arts in English - U.T. Arlington
Master of Arts in Administration and Supervision - Texas Woman´s University
A Word From Juli's Interns
"Juli was a former principal in my district-AISD. I respect her knowledge. She was positive in her comments and took time to really watch in detail what I was teaching my students."
"Juli is very responsive to my needs and has been a good advisor and mentor. "
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Lincoln has taught High School Social Studies, Reading, and Elementary Education. He served with a neighborhood Youth Corps and as a Recreation Director. Lincoln has been an Assistant Principal of both Elementary and Middle Schools and a Principal at an Elementary school. He has also served as Principal at Cedar Hill High School. He has received the "Principal of the Year" award from Dallas ISD and was recognized by State Representative Helen Giddings for School Improvement Performance.
Post Graduate Studies - Multicultural Education - The Union Institute
Mid-Management Administrator - Texas A & M
Master of Education in Corrective Reading - Lehman College
Bachelor of Arts in Social Science - University of Arkansas
Mid-Management Administrator
Reading Specialist
Secondary Social Studies Composite
A Word From Lincoln's Interns
"I feel I motivate the students during the lessons very well. I would like to figure out a way to motivate them prior to the lessons though. Mr. Butler was incredibly positive and did not give me any negative/corrective feedback. This made my day!"
"My advisor's name is Lincoln Butler. At my first observation, I was teaching letter recognition and letter sounds. Mr. Butler observed that the students stayed engaged as we reviewed the letter sounds using flash cards and during seatwork, that my interaction with the students was effective, that the students' performance was carefully monitored, that I checked for understanding on the subject matter, that the students efforts were praised, that participation was solicited from all students, that the learning objectives were communicated, that the students were required to raise their hands when they had a question or statement, and that the class' behavior was well-managed. Mr. Butler communicated that he felt that I was teaching very well and that I was doing what needed to be done to insure that the students were learning. He had only positive feedback and encouragement for me. I felt that the assessment of this observation was accurate."
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Bette is a Speech Pathologist and has taught special education. She has served as the Principal of two elementary schools for Lewisville ISD and was named as Principal of the Year in Lewisville. Bette is currently an Adjunct Professor at Dallas Baptist University, where she teaches school administration classes to graduate students.
Early Childhood - Handicapped
Speech and Hearing Therapy
Mid-Management Administrator
Bachelor of Science in Speech and Hearing Therapy - Texas Woman´s University
Master of Arts in Communication Disorders - Texas Woman´s University
Mid-Management Administrator Certification - Texas Woman´s University
A Word From Bette's Interns
"Interactions with my students and getting the most out of their attempts were strengths, and making sure that every student is focused and engaged was a struggle. Bette discussed making sure a relationship is built with each student in order to have them want to do their best in class."
"Bette Williams was my advisor and reported many positive things about my performance. Most of what I needed to work on was presenting the subject matter in more creative ways as to get the students more engaged. More visuals could have been used as well as relating the material to the students' lives. I will use the suggestions I received from her to continue to grow as an educator."
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Jennifer's classroom teaching experience includes teaching Debate, Speech, World History, Social Studies, Texas History, World History, and European Studies. She has served as Principal and Assistant Principal at both Grapevine-Colleyville High School and Junior High School. At Grapevine-Colleyville she also directed the following programs: Advanced Academics, Career and Technology Education, and Social Studies.
Secondary History
Secondary Speech
ED. D. - Curriculum and Instruction - East State Texas University
Mid-Management Certification - East State Texas University
Master of Science/Educational Administration - Texas A & I University
Bachelor of Science/Secondary Education Texas A & I University
A Word From Jennifer's Interns
"It appears I have been named first year teacher of the year. I have to say that much of the credit goes ECAP. I learned so much great stuff that I was able to put into practice and it has truly helped - not only me, but the students I teach. Dr. Killian taught me things like VAD, the learning styles, and a lot of great information. I thought about VAD when I arranged my room."
"I strongly agree that Jennifer spent adequate time with me that she supported and increased my teaching skills. Jennifer was very easy to talk to, and communicated very well."
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Imogene spent most of her career working for Mansfield ISD, where she retired as the Director of Special Education. Mansfield showed appreciation for her service by naming Imogene Gideon Elementary in her honor.
Special Education Language and/or Learning Disabled
Secondary Social Studies
Educational Diagnostician
Mid-Management Administrator
Bachelor of Science / University of North Texas
Master of Science / Texas A & M, Commerce
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Valorie started her career as a Classroom Teacher in Fort worth Texas. After that, she became a Curriculum Specialist, an Instructional Specialist/ Supervisor, an Assistant Principal at Mary Louise Phillips Elementary, and then Principal at Waverly Park Elementary.
Master of Education (M. Ed.) with Principal Certification- University of Texas ESL Certification- Texas Woman’s University Alternative Certification Internship- Texas Wesleyan University Elementary Education, Minor, Speech- University of Texas at Arlington Bachelor of Science, Fashion Merchandising- University of Arkansas
Valorie has a positive and confident personality blended with a strong work ethic. She is a quick learner who enjoys keeping current with new developments and trends in teaching and learning. Being people-oriented, goal directed, and creative is just some of many of her strengths. She is experienced with influencing the attitudes and ideas of others.
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Ernie began his 39 years in education by helping open a new school, teaching and coaching junior high students in Arlington ISD. He had the privilege of being the pitching coach at Martin High School when they won the state baseball championship in 1993. He served as Assistant Principal and Principal in Arlington. After serving as Assistant Principal at Richland High School in Birdville ISD, Ernie was Principal at North Richland Middle School for 14 years. While Ernie was Principal, he led North Richland Middle School to the prestigious honor to be recognized as the first campus in the country to become campus certified by the National Institute for STEM Education.
Mid-Management Administrator Secondary English Secondary History Secondary Health/Physical Education
Mid-Management Administrator – North Texas State University M. Ed. – North Texas State University B.A. English, History, and Health/Physical Education – University of Texas at Arlington
A Word from Ernie’s Interns
"Thank you for your feedback. I am so blessed to have you as a mentor. Your nurturing nature has always made it easy for me to continue with my class plans without being worried or stressed about, what you are writing, seeing or reporting. I have always felt supported not judged. Thank you for all your kind and encouraging words! Your last visit will be bitter sweet for me! Please keep in contact, if you are not too busy! Thank you for everything!"
"I am writing this email to thank you for all your kind and encouraging words. I am so thankful to have had such a great mentor who was able to share his knowledge about education with me. I feel like I have improved in so many areas when it comes down to teaching, beginning with my confidence. Not only am I grateful for you, but so are my students. They enjoyed your visits as well! Again, thank you so much!"
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Notable Barbara started her career as a Special Education Teacher. She then continued as a Second and Third Grade Teacher, Reading Specialist, Facilitator / Counselor, Elementary Principal, and an Educational Consultant and Transitional Specialist. Education Bachelor Of Science: Elementary Education- University Of Texas Academic Language Therapist- Scottish Rite Hospital Reading Recovery Teacher- Texas Women's University Masters Of Education Administration- Dallas Baptist University Qualifications Barbara has 39 years of teaching, counseling, administrative and consulting. She has a thorough understanding of practical applications of child growth and development. Also has advanced skills in the teaching and learning processes with the ability to recognize practices and appropriately evaluate progress in learning. She is an educational learning with the determination to constantly improve. Barbara has the ability to think and communicate how to create certainty and predictability in school performance.
ECAP is the real deal! Real people with a genuine interest in helping future teachers grow. Real-life training for the classroom. Real classroom support for interns. ECAP - making real connections with educators and districts.
7166 Baker Blvd., Suite B · Richland Hills, Texas 76118
Phone: 817-284-7731 | Fax: 817-284-3396